
Tuesday, 8 January 2013

I've moved!

Hello guys!! I know it's been such a long time since I've posted, but I was busy. I was designing a new blog that my friends and I have started. It's basically a blog that's going to be about books, our daily life/thoughts, and as well as an advice column that would probably be up some time around next month. I love books, so do my friends so we decided to work together to give our best thoughts and reviews regarding books. We would also be talking about movies. Thoughts is basically a place for me and my friends to rant or just update you guys about our daily life. The advice is column is meant for people that are currently having problems. Be it relationship problems, friends, or even family. Basically anything. If we can answer it, we will. I really want to help girls and guys that have problems and may not have someone to talk to, and we want to help you. We want to be there for you. So yeah, look out for that. 

Click here to visit our new blog.


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